
We use unique prostheses

Orthopedics surgery

Procedure description

Besides rehabilitation, xMedClinics provide prosthetic specialists who come to visit the patient, take necessary measures, and then make the first prosthesis based on it. This is followed by further rehabilitation, where we teach a patient how to manipulation with prosthetics, the first verticalisation - standing up, basic steps learning, etc. After the rehabilitation process ends up, the patient should be able to walk on the different surfaces on his own, be able to get back in the regular daily routine, and goes back to work and familiar habits. The school of the walk is not limited by age, the patient learns how to walk here, and they can go back to the sports, as well. Most importantly, patients learn here how to be self-sufficient and live on their own.

We use unique prostheses, well known all around the world, for very high-quality and technologically outstanding products and services, and it is produced right in Germany, Sweden, and the USA. The goal of helping to restore mobility for people—or protect what mobility they have—stands behind each product. The conviction that quality of life is closely associated with a maximum of individual freedom and independence.


  • Next week treatment
  • No waiting lists
  • Best price-value-safety ratio
  • Correct and transparent pricing
  • Individual approach for each case
  • The doctors other doctors trust most
  • Only High-end clinics
  • Comprehensive health care of complications
  • Express additional diagnostics
  • Individual treatment plan and financing
  • Personal accompanying from the arriaval till the departure
  • Complete Continuum of Care
  • Convenience and Privacy
  • Transparency – expert advice about medical conditions and challenges
  • Most experienced supporting medical teams guarantee

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